Friday, March 7, 2014

What a Little Paint Can Do

I love to cook.  So, naturally, I spend a good deal of time in the kitchen. Which means that I need my kitchen to not only be functional, but a place that makes me happy to be in.           

When we first bought our home, the entire interior (and I mean ALL OF IT) was painted this horrible taupe-baby-poo-mustard-brown color. Every interior wall... slathered in this abysmal hue. The reasoning for this is something I will never comprehend, but I digress. So of course the walls of the kitchen were this hideous shade. The cabinets could have been okay if they weren't an uninspiring, dark, matte brown. And the retina-burning flourescent lighting wasn't doing any favors to any of it.

 There was potential... but we absolutely did NOT have the money to do a complete overhaul of the kitchen. So, I decided on paint. 
 Paint is my favorite inexpensive decorating weapon. It will completely change the vibe of a room, and is generally easy to conquer on your own. I always love shades of blue, so I settled on "Cornflower Blue" by Martha Stewart. I chose a primer/paint in one to save time. 

*a side note: most responsible people do not paint whilst wearing a dress and drinking a martini. 

Anyway, after sanding the surfaces of the cabinets to help "grab" the paint, I commenced to making them blue. The walls were changed to a warm cream to offset the cool blue. And both new colors really complimented the existing gray marble counters.  After moving a wine-rack from a random part of the house over the sink and adding some antique porcelain knobs as a final touch, I'm very happy with how it all turned out.

For about $40 in paint, we changed the kitchen to a much more liveable (and cookable) room.

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